When I started taking bird photos, the cardinals were strangely elusive, somehow always staying just far enough back that I couldn’t get a decent picture. Since then, I bought a ground blind (affiliate link), which allowed me to get even closer. The next thing was to get a cardinal in a snowstorm, which I had the chance to do this week.
Killdeer that took up residence in one of the parking lot islands at my church.
Nikon D100, Vivitar Series 1 600mm solid catadioptric, raw processing in Capture One
Angry Bird is Angry
Angry Bird is Angry. The babies from my previous post are growing up.
Nikon D100 dSLR, Sigma 70-300 zoom, Raw processing in Capture One.
Rabbit in the Back Yard
Rabbit in the back yard.
Nikon D100, Vivitar Series One 600mm Catadioptric lens, ISO 1600, 1/60 sec. RAW processing in Capture One.
Feed Me!
Seagulls, Lake Michigan shoreline, Milwaukee.
Nikon D100, Vivitar Series One 600mm Catadioptric lens, ISO 800, 1/1600 sec. RAW processing in Capture One.
Saturday Visitor
Yesterday we had a hawk in the back yard. I grabbed my camera and 600mm catadioptric lens and snapped a couple pictures.
It started out on the lawn, then flew up into one of the trees. After watching for a while, we realized that it was eating something.
Downloading the pictures and zooming in, I discovered it was some sort of snake, probably a garter snake.
I have seen a few snakes, around, but not very often.
All shots are on a Nikon D100 with a Vivitar Series One 600mm Catadioptric (mirror) lens. Raw processing in Capture One.